FedGeoDay Logo

FedGeoDay 2025 Program

FedGeoDay is on
April 22, 2025

Events will be held at the Department of the Interior and the American Red Cross buildings in Washington, DC.

*FedGeoDay Workshops will take place on April 23, 2025 at the American Red Cross Building

April 22 - FedGeoDay

8:00 AM

American Red Cross: Hall of Service Room

Networking Breakfast

Kick off the day and meet fellow attendees at our exclusive Networking Breakfast.

8:30 AM

American Red Cross: Hall of Service Room

Opening Talks

Opening talks at the American Red Cross Building will be from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM.

9:00 AM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Registration Opens at DOI Yates Auditorium

Check in and registration will begins at 9:00 AM.

9:30 AM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Welcome Remarks by Monica Mardel

Monica Mardel

Monica Mardel
FedGeoDay Co-

Program Manager, Geography Division

U.S. Census Bureau

9:35 AM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Demonstrations: Open Source Geospatial Applications for Resilience


Ryan Burley

Ryan Burley

Director of Sales and Business Development



“Chattanooga FOSS: How We Built a Real-Time Map of Reported Flooding and Road Closures for Hurricane Helene”

Daniel Dufour

Daniel J. Dufour

Director of Performance Management and Open Data

City of Chattanooga

“USGS Geospatial Information Response Team: Resources for Resilience”

Xan Fredericks

Xan Fredericks

Emergency Response Coordinator
Chair, Geospatial Information Response Team

USGS National Geospatial Program

“HURREVAC: The decision support tool of the National Hurricane Program, Administered by FEMA, the USACE, and the NOAA National Hurricane Center”

Karen Townsend

President and CEO

Sea Island Software (HURREVAC)

“eoAPI: A Cloud Native Framework for Earth Observation Data Access and Analysis”

Henry Rodman

Henry Rodman

Cloud Engineer

Development Seed

“Mapster: A geospatial data architecture for collecting and disseminating imagery, video, and other analytic capabilities collected from unmanned aerial systems (UAS)”

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan

UAS Group Lead

Oak Ridge National Lab

10:35 AM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Keynote Address: "Expanding the “What”, “So What”, and “Now What”: Using Open Earth Observations in Disaster Response”

Katie Picchione

Ms. Katie Picchione

Response Coordination Lead

NASA Disasters Program

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

11:15 AM

15-minute Break

11:30 AM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Presentation: Chief Data Officer / GIO: Survey and Results

Jaymes Cloninger



11:45 AM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Lightning Talks


Intro and Welcome

11:45 PM

Wayne Hawkins



“Classifying Point Clouds with 2D Computer Vision”

11:50 PM

Shane Brennan



1:25 PM



12:00 PM

American Red Cross: Hall of Service Room

Lunch Break

Lunch will be provided for a $20 charge.

1:15 PM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Lightning Talks


Wayne Hawkins



“All Latitudes, Longitudes, and Heights will be changing. What does this mean for you and your data?”

1:15 PM

Galen Scott


“Unlocking Data for Resilience Using Parquet and Iceberg”

1:20 PM

Adam Timm

Crunchy Data

“Data Discovery at Scale: Spatial Aggregations of STAC Metadata”

1:25 PM

Emma Paz

Emma Paz

Development Seed

“Mapping Features with Layer Cake”

1:30 PM

Quincy Morgan


“GeoSolutions In Action: Real World Applications Leveraging GeoServer, GeoNode, and MapStore”

1:35 PM

Ryan Burley


1:40 PM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Panel: Open Data for Resilience


Derald Dudley

NSDI Transportation Theme Lead

U.S. Department of Transportation


Maggie Cawley

Executive Director

OpenStreetMap US

John Crowley

Head of Partnerships


Jed Sundwall

Jed Sundwall

Executive Director

Radiant Earth

Angelina Calderon

Business Development, Reality Labs Technologies


2:25 PM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Fireside Chat: Achieving Resilience in the Cyber War


Ashley Fairman

Ashley Fairman

Founder & CEO



Jennifer Bisceglie

Founder & Executive Vice Chair

Interos Inc.

Damien Taylor

Damian R. Taylor, MSc.

Chief Information Security Officer

Office of Inspector General - USPS

3:10 PM

15-minute Break

3:25 PM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Panel: Demystifying AI


Bill Dollins
FedGeoDay Co-

Founder and President

Cercana Systems LLC


Brian Maddox


Digital Maddox, LLC

Emily Kalda

Emily Kalda

Product Manager


Jason Gilman

Jason Gilman

AI/ML Applications Lead

Element 84

Ran Goldblatt

Chief Scientis

New Light Technologies

4:10 PM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Panel: Census Bureau’s StatVentures: “Geospatial Challenge Phase 2 and Future Opportunities”


Drew Zachary

Drew Zachary

Deputy Chief Innovation Officer

U.S. Census Bureau


Alexandra Barker

Alexandra Barker

Office of the Dep. Director, Census Open Innovation Labs

U.S. Census Bureau

Dan Keefe

Dan Keefe

Assistant Division Chief for Address Content, Coverage, and Geospatial Reference Data

U.S. Census Bureau

Andrea Johnson

Deputy Division Chief, Geography Division

U.S. Census Bureau

4:55 PM

DOI Yates Auditorium

Closing Remarks by Eddie Pickle

Eddie Pickle
FedGeoDay Co-

Senior Vice President

Crunchy Data

5:15 - 7:00 PM

American Red Cross: Hall of Service Room

Reception at the American Red Cross Hall of Service

FedGeoDay Venues

Department of the Interior (DOI) -
Yates Auditorium


Department of the Interior (DOI)
Visitor Entrance on C Street
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240

Department of the Interior Logo

American Red Cross Building


American Red Cross Building
Hall of Service Room
1730 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
