FedGeoDay 2025
Open Resilience: Using Open Geospatial Ecosystems to Predict, Prepare, and Respond
Join fellow open source enthusiasts for incredible presentations, networking opportunities, and industry insights at FedGeoDay 2025!
Washington, D.C.
American Red Cross Building
DOI Yates Auditorium
FedGeoDay Date
April 22, 2025
American Red Cross Building
DOI Yates Auditorium
Workshops Date
April 23, 2025
American Red Cross Building

What is FedGeoDay?
FedGeoDay is THE event devoted to Open Geospatial Ecosystems that are used to initiate and grow capabilities across the U.S. federal government.
"Open Geospatial Ecosystems" refers to open source software, open/collaborative mapping, open science challenges, and open engagements.
As always, we will be bringing together federal program managers, technology leaders, industry partners, NGOs, and many others to share ideas, learn, and network.
Katie Picchione
Response Coordination Lead, NASA Disasters Program
Monica Mardel
Program Manager, Geography Division
U.S. Census Bureau -
Maggie Cawley
Executive Director
Jennifer Bisceglie
Founder & Executive Vice Chair
Jaymes Cloninger
Bill Dollins
Founder & President
Eddie Pickle
Senior Vice President
Ryan Burley
Director of Sales and Business Development
GeoSolutions -
Daniel Dufour
Director of Performance Management and Open Data
City of Chattanooga -
Derald Dudley
NSDI Transportation Theme Lead
John Crowley
Head of Partnerships
MapAction -
Wayne Hawkins
VP - Intel Programs
RGi -
Ashley Fairman
Founder & CEO
Aaron Kelley
UpSlope Advisors Inc. -
Karen Townsend
President & CEO
Sea Island Software (HURREVAC) -
Henry Rodman
Product Manager
Mikel Maron
Product Lead
Earth Genome -
Jed Sundwall
Executive Director
Radiant Earth -
Brian Maddox
Digital Maddox, LLC -
Drew Zachary
Deputy Chief Innovation Officer
U.S. Census Bureau -
Dan Keefe
Assistant Division Chief for Address Content, Coverage, and Geospatial Reference Data
U.S. Census Bureau -
Alexandra Barker
Office of the Dep. Director, Census Open Innovation Labs
U.S. Census Bureau -
Emily Kalda
Product Manager
RGi -
Jason Gilman
Product Manager
Element 84 -
Emma Paz
Application Developer
Development Seed -
Nathan McEachen
TerraFrame, Inc. -
Quincy Morgan
Technical Lead
OpenStreetMap US -
Steve Pousty
Tech Raven Consulting
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Website Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Would your agency or company like to become a FedGeoDay Event or Organization sponsor? Contact us for options!
Venue Sponsors
FedGeoDay Venues
Department of the Interior (DOI) -
Yates Auditorium
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Visitor Entrance on C Street
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240
American Red Cross Building
American Red Cross Building
Hall of Service Room
1730 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
Would You Like to Present at FedGeoDay 2025?
We are happy to provide a platform for you to share news, breakthroughs, projects, and stories with the FedGeo community. Tell us about your presentation idea below.